Chris Howard

, GOOSE Capital
General Partner of Softeq Venture Fund, Active Angel Investor and Decades worth of Software Experience
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Chris started his career as a co-op student at IBM's Federal Systems Division, which supported the space program at NASA. Working during the dat at IBM and attending night classes at UH, his early professional experience included software development for a space workstation - prototyping user interfaces and software that could be easy to use in space.

Chris founded Softeq Development back in 1997 with a focus on technical software development, based on his passion or solving complex problems. Since then the company's firmware, hardware, and embedded capabilities have been augmented with mobile and web expertise, as well as complex engineerign for IoT.

A lifelong entrepreneur, Chris is an active angel investor and advisor in several start-up technology ventures. Chris is interested in building businesses that excel while fostering a positive and creative work environment. He loves using technology to solve complex problems and working to build the best technical software outsourcing team possible. He is a family man, a sport pilot, a published magazine and book author, an admitted gadget geek -- and he believes that sleep is highly overrated.

Howard also serves as General Partner of the Softeq Venture Fund.

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